• PDF Book

    Easy to read PDF Version of 'You Don't Want It Bad Enough'

  • Audio Book

    Listen to Nic read the book to fully grasp its key moments and experience the book's true emphasis.

  • Exclusive Podcast

    Delve deeper into the book with an hour-long commentary/podcast providing insightful analysis and discussion of its key points.

  • Workbook

    this workbook is designed to help you
    get the most out of the book. It will give you a chance to ask
    yourself important questions, think things through, and help you
    plan a course of action - because that’s what the book is all about -
    action. You’ll get the most out of the experience if you don’t rush
    yourself and if you do your best to be honest with your answers.

Is Your Music Career Stuck?

In the competitive world of music, where talent is abundant and opportunities are scarce, aspiring independent artists often find themselves struggling to navigate the complex landscape of the music industry. Enter Nic D, a seasoned musician and business strategist, whose new book, "You Don't Want It Bad Enough," is the definitive guide for independent artists looking to transform their passion for music into a thriving small business.

With an impressive track record that includes garnering over 1 billion streams independently and successfully growing and maintaining a music business, Nic D is the ideal mentor to lead artists on their journey towards musical success. In "You Don't Want It Bad Enough," Nic D shares invaluable insights and actionable advice gained from years of experience in the music industry, making this book an indispensable resource for any independent artist.


"You Don't Want It Bad Enough" is trusted by some of the best in music industry.

Kyle Beats

Youtuber & Producer

As a YouTuber and music producer with nearly a million subscribers, I can confidently attest to Nic's pioneering role in the content and music world. My success in marketing has been well-recognized, but Nic's book completely revolutionized my approach to music marketing. Beyond teaching me how to build a music catalog and promote songs, it provided invaluable insights into crafting a life centered around music. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to emerging musicians; it's a must-read that can serve as a trusted companion for the next decade. Nic's ability to simplify complex concepts makes it accessible to artists of all levels, offering a fast track to success in the independent music scene.

Wendy Day

Founder of Rap Coalition

Finally, here's someone with genuine experience in making money through music, and Nic D is generously sharing the insider secrets that have led to his success. This book is not only remarkably easy to read but also provides real-world examples of Nic's own journey as an independent music artist, highlighting what works and what doesn't. With three decades in the music industry, I've witnessed artists struggling and attempting shortcuts to achieve success. Nic D dispels the myth of shortcuts and emphasizes the importance of hard work and consistent content creation. His main message is clear: if he can do it, so can you. Building a fanbase and standing out are paramount. I first discovered Nic D on TikTok, and his engaging content led me to his music. Meeting him confirmed his authenticity, a key trait for artists serious about a music career. There truly are no shortcuts, just enjoyable hard work. Nic D, thank you for sharing your insights with fellow artists. Too often, talented artists give up because they don't grasp the marketing and promotion aspects. Your blueprint for success is a much-needed resource. Keep up the fantastic work and outwork everyone else – you're a rock star!

Connor & Brea Price

Music Artist

In the crowded online landscape of music "gurus," many make lofty claims about teaching you how to make a living from music, but Nic D stands apart. Unlike most, he's not only teaching but also actively succeeding as an independent artist. His impact is tangible - in under a year, Connor went from under 75,000 to over 6 million monthly Spotify listeners after implementing Nic's strategies. Nic challenges traditional music label approaches, advocating for immediate song releases, frequent music drops, and cost-effective methods. If your music career feels stagnant, Nic D's book offers a game-changing perspective. He transformed our lives, and we hope he does the same for you.

  • Independent Artist

    Nic D embodies the self-made independent artist who has forged a flourishing music career outside the traditional industry norms. Without reliance on labels, managers, or booking agents, he has thrived through an entrepreneurial spirit. Nic's mastery of digital platforms, direct audience connection, and consistent content creation not only sustains his career but propels him in the dynamic music landscape. His journey is a compelling testament to the power of determination, innovation, and digital savvy in achieving remarkable success as an independent musician.

  • 1 Billion Streams

    Nic D's remarkable journey as an independent artist is rooted in his unwavering work ethic, evidenced by his independent accumulation of over 1 billion streams. His success illustrates the power of dedication and commitment to one's craft in the music industry. His deep industry knowledge and ability to connect globally with audiences have enabled him to surpass traditional business constraints, achieving remarkable recognition and accomplishments.

  • Music Business Expert

    Nic D's expertise goes beyond stream accumulation, encompassing the art of building and sustaining an independent music business. His unique perspective, bridging artistic creativity with strategic marketing, branding, and team management, sets him apart as a mentor and author. His guidance proves invaluable to aspiring musicians navigating the music industry's complex landscape.